
Posts Tagged ‘special touch’

Preparing for that perfect Thanksgiving meal? Include your little ones by making one-of-a-kind napkin rings for a truly special touch.  These ‘mini-masterpieces’ can be used for years to come or shared with guests as the reminder of a memorable day.

source: bhg.com


  • Paper towel tubes
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Construction paper
  • Craft glue
  • Craft supplies (markers, paint, paintbrush, ribbon, beads, feathers, etc.)

Measure and cut the tubes so each ring measures 2 inches in length. Be sure to make enough so everyone coming to dinner has a napkin ring. Cut the same number of 2-inch-wide colored paper strips. Glue the paper strips to the tubes.Now decide how you want to decorate your napkin rings. You could make each different or create a variety of looks. Use markers, paint, ribbon, beads, and feathers to decorate the rings. Here is a great chance to be really creative and fanciful.


source: familyfun.go.com

  • Draw a turkey, autumn leaves, pumpkins, pilgrims, Native American headdresses or something fanciful on construction paper, then cut it out and glue it to the ring.
  • Draw pictures of each family member to create their own personalized napkin ring or use a photo of each person attending and use it as the face of a turkey, pumpkin or pilgrim that you have glued to the ring.
  • Leave a space on your design for names and you’ve turned it into a place card.  


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