
Archive for the ‘Activities for Children’ Category

Vroom! Vroom!  An eraser car is a creative, fun activity children can make as a back to school craft or even on the weekends! Adult supervision will be required, especially for smaller children, to prevent little ones from putting pieces in their mouths. Have fun!


  • Knife (have a parent do this part of the craft)
  • White Glue
  • Thumbtacks
  • Cardboard
  • Permanent Markers


  1. Begin by cutting erasers with a knife (a parent’s job; kids can use scissors for this, but the cuts won’t be as straight).
  2. Stack the erasers to make cars, trucks, and trailers. Pencil-cap erasers and automatic pencil eraser refills make good cargo. Use white glue to hold the pieces together.
  3. To make tires, press thumbtacks into a piece of cardboard, color them with permanent markers, then remove the tacks and press them in place on the vehicles.


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It’s another hot, hot, hot day in New York City and I am blasting the air conditioning. I am concerned about our electric bill, but do the best I can to save energy where I can. I remember learning at school as a child how to conserve energy. Teaching kids about saving energy doesn’t have to make them feel like they’re at school. Lecturing them endlessly about turning out the lights when they leave a room will only deter them from actually doing it.

Here are some tips for your kids. 

  • Turn off lights and electronics when you leave a room. Keep doors to unused rooms closed.
  • In summer, use the microwave, crockpot, or toaster oven instead of the stove/oven. When using the stove/oven, keep lids on pots on the stove, match pot to burner size, and don’t preheat the oven for too long.
  • Turn off the water while you brush your teeth. Take five-to-ten minute showers instead of baths.
  • Wash and dry full loads of clothes only. Wash on cool setting. Line dry many items. Do the laundry at night, not in the heat of the day.
  • Don’t hold the refrigerator door open!
  • Change incandescent light bulbs to fluorescent CFL bulbs. If you replace 25 percent of your light bulbs with fluorescents, you can save up to 50 percent on your lighting bill.
  • In summer, close drapes, use fans, and turn thermostat up to 78-80 degrees. In winter, open drapes and turn thermostat down to 68-70 degrees.
  • Consolidate errands and cut out some car usage. Walk, ride your bikes, carpool, or get a scooter.
  • After letting the kids play online energy games, arrange a family pizza night where everyone gets together and has a discussion on what it means to save energy. Ask them what they think of when they hear the word “energy.”
  • Set one night per month to have a “lights out” night, where all lights and electronics are shut off. Light candles or light a fire in your fireplace (if not electric) and pretend to be old-fashioned. Play family board games, read and eat by candlelight, write pen-and-paper letters to friends, or go outside with a blanket for a nighttime picnic and look for shooting stars.


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Give sneakers a special and personalized look with this super fun summer craft activity of painting old sneakers!

Fun Tip: Using chalk paint on sneakers is such a cute idea!  This gives kids more options to decorate!


  • Newspaper

  • Clean canvas sneakers
Fabric or acrylic craft paint
Artist paintbrushes
Fabric paint pens
  • Permanent markers


1.  Cover a work surface with newspaper.
2.  Using fabric paints and paint pens, decorate sneakers.

3.  Let paint dry for 24 hours before painting another shade on top of the original color. 


Chalkboard Paint Sneakers

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You and your kids will have so much fun with these pool noodle activities! A pool noodle is a tube of polyethylene foam, sometimes with a hollow center. The noodles are commonly used during swimming for play and exercise but have many more uses. The foam is soft, yet strong-featured and makes a great tool for creative game play out of the water. Foam noodles do not cause damage to people or gym floors, are super cheap and can be cut apart to make game accessories.

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Summer is really here and so are fun beach days with the kids. What do kids tend to bring home with them? SAND! In their shoes, beach bags or even in sand pails because they can’t bear to part with the beach. Here is a fun activity – sand candles – to make use of all of that extra sand and continue your kiddo’s fun on a hot summer day!

Tip: For extra fun add sea shells from the beach to the top of your candle mold to add a little “beachy” effect!


  • Large heat-proof mixing bowl
  • Sand
  • Empty 1-pound coffee can
  • Paraffin or old candle stubs
  • Candle wicking
  • Thin wood dowel or stick


  1. Fill the bowl three quarters full with slightly damp sand and ask your child to dig a mold about the size of his fist.
  2. Using your hands, bend one side of the coffee can rim to form a spout. Fill the can halfway with paraffin and set it in a saucepan that’s one fourth filled with water. (Never place the can directly on the burner.) Then melt the wax over very low heat; when it has melted, turn off the heat.
  3. Cut the wicking to 6 to 8 inches longer than your mold is deep. Rest the dowel across the bowl’s top and tie one end of the wick around it. Press the other end into the bottom of the mold.
  4. Now it’s the adult’s job to carefully pour the wax into the mold until it reaches about 1 inch from the top.
  5. Once the candle is cool, remove it from the mold, brush off any excess sand, and trim the wick.


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What is better than something delicious, creamy and cool on a hot summer day? Vanilla pudding pops for your kiddo! Check out this great recipe!

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This past weekend my family had a clambake on the beach (yup…clams, oysters, lobsters, hot dogs, the works…essentially is a BBQ on the beach on the East Coast). The end of the clambake is always one of my favorite parts with the kids – roasting marshmallows and making s’mores! We are huge fans of s’mores in the summer. Who isn’t? But what is a Mom to do when there isn’t a campfire?

Cool WHIP Smores
Frozen COOL WHIP is the perfect stand-in for marshmallows and instantly makes the classic s’more into a refreshing cool summer treat. 

  • 8 graham cracker squares
  • 8 ice cream scoop-sized portions of COOL WHIP Whipped Topping
  • 4 Hershey’s bars, broken in half

Directions: Make 4 S’mores by combining the COOL WHIP, Hershey’s and graham crackers.

Lego Smores (fun for little boys!)

  • 2 graham crackers broken up into the rectangle shapes along the perforation
  • 1 bar Hershey chocolate
  • 4 large marshmallows
  • 16 mini marshmallows

Directions: To assemble. Place 1 quarter of the chocolate bar on one of the graham cracker rectangles. Top it with a heated large marshmallow (heat by fire or microwave – your choice), and top with second graham cracker. Dip one end of a mini-marshmallow in water and stick it on top of the graham cracker so there are three marshmallows per cracker. Eat!

Breakfast S’more Waffles

  • 3 toaster waffles, freshly toasted
  • mini-marshmallows
  • 1 chocolate bar

Directions:Layer the mini-marshmallows and chocolate with the toasted waffles and toast the sides briefly in front of the fireplace or with kitchen torch. Enjoy!



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“Mom. Are we there yet?”   Summer traveling have you stumped on how you will entertain your children on long car rides? They can be miserable when your children are bored. Here are a few games to help pass the time and keep your sanity on these hot days and long family car trips! This familiar question of “how much longggeerrr?” is heard by moms and dads everywhere and fills them with dread as it is usually a signal their little ones are getting bored. Make it a stress-free car journey!

I Spy
“I spy with my little eye, something red.” This easy-to-learn game is perfect for preschoolers, and can keep them entertained for unbelievably long periods of time.  Choosing an object that they can see and giving them the first letter also helps with their spelling and encourages them to look around and take in the sights.

I’m Going on a Picnic
This alphabet-based memory game is great for kids 5 and up. You don’t need a game board or any materials. The game can be played with as few as two players, but it’s more fun when the whole family joins in. The first player says “I’m going on a picnic and I’m bringing…” followed by something that begins with A, such as apples. The second player repeats what the first person said, but adds something that begins with B. So she might say “I’m going on a picnic and I’m bringing apples and bananas.” And so on with C, D, and the rest of the alphabet. If someone forgets an item, she is out. To be fair, feel free to be lenient and give hints to younger players. The last player to be able to recite all the items on the list wins.

20 Questions
This easy-peasy game is great for younger kids, thanks to its straightforward rules. Player One thinks of a person, place or thing. Everyone else takes turns asking questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. After each answer, the questioner gets one guess. Play continues until a player guesses correctly.

This is great if there are a large number of people in the car, school trips being perfect. One person starts by whispering a sentence into their friend’s ear and it then goes all around the car with the last to hear required to repeat it to everyone else. It is very fun and shows how “rumors” can change very easily from one person to the next!

Treasure Hunt
This game is great fun for the kids and requires minimal interaction from you while on the journey, so you can concentrate on driving. Before leaving give each child a list of objects such as cow, sheep, red car, church, castle and ask them to mark each one off as and when they see it along the way. Of course, there will be a prize for each of them at the end of the journey if they have all succeeded in the task and it will keep them quiet for hours as their eyes will be glued to the window!

iPad or Kindle or Tablet
With the explosion of tablets on the market in the last few years many parents have invested in the new technology, some of which cost as little as $100. They are great to hand over to the kids before embarking on a long journey because they are packed full of games that will keep the kids busy. Most have an app store from which you can download several games beforehand with the kids, so they can simply access these on the go.

License Plate Game
When we were kids, everyone seemed to play the license plate game on family road trips. Armed with a pad of paper, we would write down the name of each state as we spotted it. The goal, of course, was to nab all 50 states. If we were lucky, we’d bag the Canadian provinces, too.

The game of silence
This one really works a treat and gives parents a few minutes of peace and quiet. Simply put, the child who can stay quiet the longest wins a treat. The longer they are quiet, the better the treat becomes. It could be considered bribery but, in a car full of screaming kids, anything goes!


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Here is a fun playlist I put together for all of you going to BBQs or hosting your own party! It could even be fun to burn a DVD and bring it to a friend’s house if you are getting the kids together for the Fourth of July. This playlist is adult and kid friendly!  Enjoy and safe travels!

1.    American Woman by Lenny Kravitz
2.    All-American Girl by Carrie Underwood
3.    American Pie by Madonna
4.    Born in the U.S.A. by Bruce Springstein
5.    We’re the Kids in America by Kim Wilde
6.    American Girl by Tom Petty
7.    American Baby by Dave Matthews Band
8.    Our Country by John Mellencamp
9.    Living in America by James Brown
10.  R.O.C.K. In the U.S.A. by John Mellencamp
11.  California Girls by The Beach Boys
12.  Party in the U.S.A. by Miley Cyrus
13.  Philadelphia Freedom by Elton John
14.  America by Simon & Garfunkel
15.  Living in the U.S.A. by The Steve Miller Band
16.  God Bless America by LeeAnn Rimes
17.  Soak Up the Sun by Sheryl Crow
18.  American Honey by Lady Antebellum
19.  Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys
20. Take It Easy by The Eagles


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Thanks to this uber-patriotic craft, you kiddos won’t have to wait until dark to see July Fourth fireworks! It’s fun and is sure to create a sparkle in your child’s eye. 🙂

30 minutes or less


  • Dark Blue Paper
  • Glitter (any color you want…red, white and blue?)
  • White Elmer’s Glue


  1. Use white glue to draw firework bursts on a sheet of dark blue paper.
  2. Pour glitter onto the wet glue, then tap any loose glitter onto a clean sheet of paper and return the excess to the jar.

TIPS: For multiple colors, draw and sprinkle each firework shape separately.




Le Top Whales & Sails Nautical Striped Shirt & Canvas Board Shorts

Put some wind in his sails with this sweet nautical white and azure striped short sleeve tee and navy canvas pocketed board shorts that match swimmingly! Sailing ship appliqué with circular boat window vents keep him cool in warm weather. Soft rib neckline and elasticized waist for easy over-the-head and pull up dressing.

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